The Pictures and Video of the International Symposium on Research in Acupuncture
Welcome to International Symposium on Research in Acupuncture
In this context, the Association of Medical Acupuncturists of Bologna (A.M.A.B.) and the Istituto Superiore di Sanità are organising the International Symposium on Research in Acupuncture to be held on October 3, 2015 at the Savoia Regency Hotel in Bologna, Italy.
Purpose of the Symposium is to bring together international recognized authorities in the field of clinical research in Acupuncture, with the final aim of providing practical and authoritative answers to the most controversial aspects and issues concerning the methodology of research in Acupuncture and its integration within the health systems. The Symposium, whose program is designed to offer plenary sessions and panel discussions with active participation of the audience, will focus on the following topics, and related panel Sessions:
1. Action mechanisms of Acupuncture and current trends in Acupuncture research
2. Methodology of research and EBM in Acupuncture
3. Acupuncture and Placebo
4. Integration of Acupuncture into the healthcare systems: Regulation, Education and Cost-effectiveness
The Symposium received the patronage of the Italian Ministry of Health, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and Regione Emilia-Romagna
The official languages will be English and Italian with simultaneous translation into Italian and English
Le lingue ufficiali del Simposio saranno Inglese e Italiano con traduzione simultanea in Italiano e Inglese
CME credits for this event: 3
Attention : the deadline for the registration to the Symposium has been postponed to September 28, 2015
Download the Brochure of the Symposium
Please visit keep visiting our web site for updates.
Looking forward to meeting you in Bologna,
Symposium Scientific Responsible
Dr Carlo Maria Giovanardi
President, Associazione Medici Agopuntori Bolognesi (A.M.A.B.) |
Ms Alice Fauci
Scientific Responsible, Joint Sino-Italian Laboratory for Traditional Chinese Medicine Istituto Superiore di Sanità |
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Main topics
International Meetings
"The 30th International Congress "Clinical Experiences in Acupuncture and TCM" , on March 12 and 13, 2016 at Savoia Hotel Regency Bologna-Italy
see also
The attendance at the Congress is free, you need to register here
Event is accredited: 6 CME credits
On the occasion of the AMAB thirtieth anniversary, the Congress will last two days.
Italian and foreign speakers who will participate in these thirty years have contributed to the history of AMAB's Congresses.
Participants will have the opportunity to listen the clinical experiences of the the principal Italian and International experts in acupuncture and understand the trends that have developed in recent years.
There will be simultaneous translation from Italian and English
List of speakers:
Birch Steve, Ceccherelli Francesco, Cracolici Franco,Dan Tan,D'Angelo Gemma,De Bernardinis Dante, Di Stanislao Carlo, Farella Giuseppina Maria Grazia, Fregni Felipe, Garoli Alberto, Giovanardi Carlo Maria, Marchi Eleonora, Marmori Federico, Mazzanti Umberto, Menichelli Franco, Moiraghi Carlo, Nardini Christine, Ots Thomas, Poli Paola, Quirico Piero Ettore, Rotolo Grazia, Rossi Elisa, Tian Li
Download the program of the Congress